
Friday, 26 June 2015

Basket ball

Do you like basket ball? I do we have been practicing basketball skills like bounce pass, pivot, chest pass and more. Today i will be telling you about basketball. The coaches were coach Malik and coach Manu.

The coaches taught us the beef B in beef is balance, E in beef is elbow, the other E is for eyes on target, and F is follow through. The beef helps with shooting the ball so the ball can go through the hoop.

Bounce pass
Bounce pass is when you bounce the ball when you are going to pass. It helps when a person is blocking the person that you are trying to pass to.

Over head pass.

Over head pass is when you pass the ball over your head. A really good tip is when you are doing the over head pass you should pass the ball when someone is blocking the person that you are trying to pass to.        


Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Why are dogs man's best friend?

  Dogs are man’s best friend.

Dogs are man’s best friend.
There are many different pets cats, parrots and other species. Most people think that dogs are man’s best friend. In my report today I am going to tell you why dogs are man’s best friend.
What dogs can do.
Dogs can do all sorts of things like smelling drugs, tracking people down like robbers, and smell people who bring fruit to New Zealand and all kind of other things.  
Playful dogs    
Playful dogs play with their owner. Their owner gives the dog dog toys to play with. When you take your dog for a walk, it also helps you get some exercise. They play with other dogs but sometimes they can get a little bit rough. It is nice watching a dog playing. It makes us laugh.
Police dogs  
Dogs help the police by tracking lost people down, people that steal from shops or banks. If a burglar drops something the dog can run up to the object and smell it then track the person down because everyone has different smell. Police train dogs so they can be good at their job that they do. Dogs at the airport run off to smell the suit cases in case someone brings drugs or explosive thing.

Farmer dogs

Farmer dogs help the farmer round-up the sheep to get the sheep into their gate. Dog’s can run fast and humans can’t run that fast. Dogs bark and run at the same time to get the sheep into the next paddock. A farmer would have lots of trouble rounding up the sheep without their dog.

This is all the information about why a dog is a man’s best friend. Dogs have a keen sense of smell, helps the farmer round-up the sheep, and play with it’s owner.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Shark Writing

Splish,splash,splosh the water splashed against my face as I was paddling out in the sea. I could vaguely make out a shadow gliding silently across the sea. I felt terrified as the monsters sharp teeth opened. As it got closer I felt even more terrified.It came nearer to my kayak.Once it was under my boat I leaned out to see what it was.I got closer and saw the shadow of a great white shark. As the shark was swimming he captured some fish, his jaws opened wide as he ate the fish. I was still in the middle of the sea trying to calm myself down but I ended up screaming. I paddled in towards the shore. I could hear people screaming  and shouting at me as the predator came closer and closer as I went to shore.
I could feel my legs being pulled behind me. I could see a trail of blood, I looked again and saw it was my blood. The lifeguards came quickly to rescue me. They dragged me onto the hot sand. The great white shark took my leg and swam peacefully away with my leg for lunch. The ambulance came and took me away to Middlemore Hospital. I had to stay in hospital for 2 weeks to get stitched back together around my gaping wound. Sometime later I had a prosthetic leg fitted. I don’t think that I will ever want to go into the sea again.